Evangelical Apostolic Mission

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Evangelical Apostolic Mission


The Great Mission

The Evangelical Apostolic Mission EAM is a non-governmental, non-profit organization initiated by the PKGG (Pfingstkirche Gemeinde Gottes / Church of God) from Austria, and has the aim to better organize the evangelistic and missionary work of the Romanian Evangelical Christians from diaspora, especially of the Evangelical Romanians from Austria. Some of the activities of the organization, but not limited to, are: local evangelistic work in Austria, through the preaching (where allowed!) of the Word of God in: churches, institutions, public places, and also in prisons; the evangelism for the Romanian people from Austria and Europe, and evangelistic, social, charity, educational and medical missions, all over the world, especially in Asia and Africa.


Die Anschrift:
Maculangasse 9, 1220 Wien, Österreich


